The Pink Boots Society (PBS) was created in 2007, when founder Teri Fahrendorf left her brewing job at Steelhead Brewing Company in the USA to become what she termed as a 'road brewer'. On this trip, she travelled 12,656 miles over 20 weeks from Oregon to Maine and back, visiting a total of 70 breweries on the way and brewing at 38 of them. Having been surprised at the number of women brewers she met on her trip, Teri recognised a need for an organisation that would act as a community for women in the industry, many of whom were the minority in their brewery, to connect and share information.
Pink Boots Society was named after the pink boots Teri wore when brewing, which had been give to her by her mother-in-law and became her identifying feature. PBS was formed, initially just as a list of women brewers in a blog and had its first meeting for its 22 members at the Craft Brewers Conference.
PBS is now a non-profit organisation with many chapters around the world including; the U.S, Belgium, Great Britain, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Slovenia and New Zealand.
Brought to New Zealand in 2014, the Pink Boots Society was created to empower those who identify as women and are industry professionals, to advance their careers in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry through education.
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